right before morning.

i was at a wedding today. it was a nice wedding, even the sun was out. i didn't catch the flowers but i got to hold them for a while, but that doesn't matter; i always want my piece of cake to fall to the side anyway. the bride looked beautiful: somehow effortless and soft but still worked out in detail, reaching for perfection. i barely had time to shave my legs, running between places without actually being anywhere, or maybe pretending to be where i really would like to be. first, i would buy a ticket to my brain, thoughts and feelings, and i would demand the vendor to dig as deep as possible. while there, i would take a walk and catch all the apples falling from the trees. the red ones would be my flaws and mistakes, while the green ones would be my regret, consideration and devotion. i would take them all in my hands and mix them with each other, before letting them fall to the ground. step on them, crush them, destroy them and forget them, and at my way back home i started searching for something new: the ability to realise and to let go.    

Not everything is supposed to make sense.

Det är skönt att jag är ledig imorgon, förhoppningsvis har träningsvärken lagt sig lite då också. Det är inte speciellt charmigt att ha rörlighet som en 90-åring, även fast det är ganska så roligt när folk tittar konstigt när man staplar ner för trappan i takt med en sengångare och med ben som en blandning mellan gummi och ett par trästyltor. Ni vet sånna man gick på i Fredriksdal i lågstadiet? Jag var aldrig speciellt bra på det där.

Time to say night!

Postat av: Louise

love the writing <3 du är den enda vars skriftspråk jag accepterar of all the youngsters today haha :*

2009-08-23 @ 12:41:43
URL: http://louiisess.blogg.se/

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